Onisesi Busola
3 min readAug 6, 2023


Digital Literacy: The New Essential Skill for Your Child’s Future

Digital literacy.

In an increasingly digital world, the phrase "Digital literacy: The new oil" couldn't be more accurate. Just as oil fueled industrialization in the past, digital literacy is now the driving force behind the modern era. As parents, it's essential to understand the significance of digital literacy and its impact on your child's future success.

The Digital Revolution:

We are currently experiencing a digital revolution that is reshaping every aspect of our lives. From communication and education to commerce and entertainment, the digital realm has become inseparable from our daily routines. In this landscape, digital literacy acts as the key to unlock the vast potential that technology offers.

Digital literacy encompasses a range of skills that enable individuals to navigate, comprehend, and utilize digital tools and platforms effectively. It goes beyond knowing how to use a smartphone or computer. It involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to evaluate the credibility of information found online.

Why Digital Literacy Matters:

1. Academic Success: In today's educational landscape, digital literacy is essential for students to excel. Research, collaboration, and even assessments often require online platforms. Students who lack digital literacy skills may find themselves at a disadvantage.

2. Employability: The job market is evolving rapidly, with technology playing a central role in most industries. Digital literacy is a prerequisite for many jobs, regardless of the field. Proficiency in using digital tools, software, and data analysis is a valuable asset.

3. Information Management: The digital age inundates us with information. Digital literacy equips children with the ability to sort through vast amounts of data, distinguish credible sources from misinformation, and make informed decisions.

4. Creativity and Innovation: Digital literacy fosters creativity by enabling children to explore new mediums, experiment with digital art, animation, coding, and other forms of expression. This skill set nurtures innovation, a critical factor in an ever-changing world.

5. Responsible Digital Citizenship: With increased online interaction, it's crucial for children to develop the skills to engage responsibly and ethically. Digital literacy includes understanding online etiquette, privacy concerns, and cyberbullying prevention.

Nurturing Digital Literacy in Children:

1. Start Early: Introduce age-appropriate digital tools and apps to familiarize children with technology from a young age.

2. Learning Platforms: Encourage your child to explore educational platforms, coding games, and online courses to develop specific digital skills.

3. Critical Thinking: Engage in discussions about online content, encouraging your child to question information sources and evaluate credibility.

4. Screen Time Management: Teach children the importance of a healthy balance between screen time and other activities. Quality content and purposeful use are key.

5. Be a Role Model: Demonstrate responsible digital behaviour yourself. Children often learn by observing their parents.


In the digital age, digital literacy is indeed the new oil, fueling progress and shaping the future. As parents, it's our responsibility to equip our children with the necessary skills to navigate this ever-evolving landscape. By nurturing their digital literacy, we empower them to seize opportunities, make informed choices, and become responsible and productive members of the digital society.

At B Bright Kids, we help equip your kids with needed digital literacy skills with a wide range of courses and certifications.



Onisesi Busola

BUSOLA is an Education Technology enthusiast who believes in preparing students with 21st century skills. A proud supporter of SDG goals.Software developer.